Besic Electronics Multiple choice Questions

Besic electronic mcq

Unit – I Electronic Components & Signals

1. For 180 K ohm resistor with 10 % tolerance, the color band will be in the sequence of 

a. Brown-grey-yellow-gold

b. Brown-grey-yellow-silver

c. Brown-blue-yellow-silver

d. Brown-grey-yellow-gold

Answer: brown-grey-yellow-silver

2. Transistor is 

a. A passive component

b. Active component

c. None of these

d. Both a & b

Answer: active component

3. Inductor is

a. Active component

b. Passive component

c. None of these

d. Both a & b

Answer: passive component

4. In electronics the term IC denotes

a. Industrial control

b. Integrated circuits

c. Internal combustion

d. International circuits

Answer: integrated circuits

5. What is the unit of inductance?

a. Joule

b. Farad

c. Henry

d. Watts

Answer: henry

6. Which value is equal to one Pico farad?

a. 106 farad

b. 1012 farad

c. 10−6 farad

d. 10−12 farad

Answer: 10−12 farad 

7. Which of the following elements comprise of the passive devices?

a. Resistors, capacitors & SCRs

b. Vacuum tubes, SCRs & diodes

c. Transformers, inductors & diodes

d. Transformers, TRIACs & DIACs

Answer: transformers, inductors & diodes

8. Active devices can also be used as …..

a. Amplifiers

b. Choppers

c. Converters

d. Inverters

Answer: amplifiers

9. A CRO is a

a. Cathode ray oscillator

b. Cathode ray oscilloscope

c. Capacitor- resistor oscillator

d. Capacitor- resistor output

Answer: cathode ray oscilloscope

10. There are two main characteristics of a resistor are ….

a. Current & voltage

b. Current & power

c. Resistance & power

d. Resistance & current

Answer: resistance & power

Unit – II Diodes & their Applications

1. The DC current through each diode in a bridge rectifier equals:

a. The load current

b. Half the DC load current

c. Twice the DC load current

d. One-fourth the DC load current

Answer: the load current

2. In a power supply diagram, which block indicates a smooth dc output?

a. Transformer

b. Filter

c. Rectifier

d. Regulator

Answer: regulator

3. Testing a good diode with an ohmmeter should indicate

a. High resistance when forward or reverse biased

b. Low resistance when forward or reverse biased

c. High resistance when reverse biased & low resistance when forward biased

d. High resistance when forward biased & low resistance when reverse biased

Answer: high resistance when reverse biased & low resistance when forward biased

4. Shunting the ac component away from the load is the task of a:

a. Transformer

b. Filter

c. Regulator

d. Rectifier

Answer: filter

5. When used as a voltage regulator, Zener diode is normally

a. Not biased

b. Forward biased

c. Reverse biased

d. None of the above

Answer: reverse biased

6. For a germanium diode, the barrier potential is

a. 0.3 volt

b. 0.3 eV

c. 0.7 volt

d. 0.7 eV

Answer: 0.3 volt 

7. The output from an unfiltered half wave or full wave rectifier is a

a. Smooth DC voltage

b. Steady DC voltage

c. Pulsating DC voltage

d. AC voltage

Answer: pulsating DC voltage

8. In the breakdown region, a Zener diode behaves like a ……… source

a. Constant voltage

b. Constant current

c. Constant resistance

d. None of the above

Answer: constant voltage

9. A Zener diode has …… breakdown

a. Undefined

b. Zero

c. Sharp

d. None of the above

Answer: sharp

10. The maximum efficiency of a half wave rectifier is ……

a. 40.6 %

b. 81.2 %

c. 50 %

d. 25 %

Answer: 40.6 %

Unit- III Bipolar Junction Transistor

1. In a BJT

a. The base region is sandwiched between emitter & collector

b. The collector is sandwiched between base & emitter

c. The emitter region is sandwiched between base & collector

d. None of the above

Answer: the base region is sandwiched between emitter & collector

2. Amplifiers & oscillators using BJT, operate in …… region

a. Inverted mode

b. Active….

c. Cut off

d. Saturation

Answer: active

3. The arrow in a transistor terminal represents

a. Emitter

b. Collector

c. Base

d. None of the above

Answer: emitter

4. Transistor is a device which is a

a. Transferring voltage device

b. Current operated one

c. Power operated one

d. Voltage operated one

Answer: current operated one

5. Transistor works as an open switch when emitter junction is ….. biased & collector junction is ….biased

a. Forward, forward

b. Reverse, reverse

c. Reverse, forward

d. Forward, reverse

Answer: reverse, reverse

6. When a transistor is in active region the resistance is between

a. Emitter to collector

b. Base to collector

c. Emitter to base

d. All of the above

Answer: base to collector 

7. In a NPN transistor, ………. are the minority carrier.

a. Electron

b. Holes

c. Donor ions

d. Acceptor ions

Answer: holes

8. In a transistor ……..





Answer: IE=IC+IB

9. The value of α of a transistor is ……

a. 0

b. 1

c. More than 1

d. Less than 1

Answer: less than 1

10. The value of β of a transistor is ……

a. Between 20 & 500

b. 1

c. Less than 1

d. 0

Answer: between 20 & 500


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