ASCII Code project in python
Make different style of shape in python using ASCII code..
Hello friends this is my second project on ASCII code previous project we are made Birthday cake design and some words for birthday wishes
If you not seen these project then click here, Birthday Wishes project
Home in ASCII |
In this project we are created some shape in ASCII code
Like Home,Car and boy.
Many software provide you to generate ascii code you can simply using these software make different style of shape.
Car in ASCII |
See this images how our project look likes, and we are created many projects in python and java if like then check it..
Project Source Code :
#A Kiran Rajput
import threading
import time
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@Akiran Rajput
def task1():
for letter in code:
print(letter, end='')
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task1, name='t1')
# starting threads